BRI Call Centre Information Services : Gratisoe
BRI call center is located in many cities ini number
The BRI Call Center is always available for loyal customers and can be contacted throughout the day. In this way, you can ask a variety of questions or complaints about all the services of the Indonesian Red Plate company. In fact, all the government projects you can ask for.
Special assistance for MSMEs is an example of a government scheme. There is no need to come to the office and every customer should contact him from home. As long as you understand what the process is and the various requirements for getting it, they will be happy to respond to you and provide you with an explanation.
Because of this facility, it is very easy for all customers. However, this facility has been provided by the BRI. They are the only bank with the most subsidiary branch offices. This size is not only for districts, but also for sub-districts and sub-districts. This time it was very much needed by the entire society.
The proof is that there are many customers who register. However, people’s needs are actually very high. Many of them don’t want to wait. This is the background to why the BRI call center is the best facility for red plate companies. Indonesia’s largest bank has a lot of plans to meet the needs of the community.
Not only in the form of savings, there are also credit cards, insurance from health care to elderly insurance. A contact call that can be used already exists. Then dial the number and the officers will be greeted with a warm greeting. This was the advantage that had been maintained so far, namely, its friendship.
Bri Call Centre Contact Number
For various purposes you can directly contact the head office number 14017. The service is available 24 hours a day. Therefore, there are restrictions at night or they want to hear about the schemes from the government. He will respond well immediately. Unfortunately, it’s worth paying attention before contacting him.
First of all, where is your territory. The 14017 is only valid for customers in Java, Bali, North Sumatra and NTD. When you’re outside the region, contacting the contacts above can be hard to connect with. So, first look at where you are.
Bri call centers located outside java, Bali, north Sumatra region will be connected to NTT at 021 – 57 987 400. If you want convenience, try saving 1500017 number. Each customer will be connected directly to the head office. In particular, these contacts provide the full service.
They will process all your complaints for 24 hours. For example, at an ATM, you have to withdraw a certain amount of cash at 11 pm. That’s it, it’s failed many times. If this has happened 3 to 4 times in 3 different locations. So contact him directly.
If it can be processed directly, they will provide the best solution. But, when you need a wide range of data. Therefore, you have to wait first, because, you have to open a variety of temporary files, and all of those requirements are only available during office hours. So, wait more patiently.
BRI Call Centre Information Services
When contacting this call centre, you can submit a variety of complaints or queries. For example, one of the flagship schemes of this state-owned bank is people’s business loan. Many people use it as part of growing their business. Those of you who wish to apply should first ask for the conditions.
There is no need to go too far to the office, get in touch with them. All requirements will be provided. In fact, it takes into account how many installments it takes into account each month. Interestingly, this information service is clearly informed. They will repeat slowly and slowly when customers are confused. Commitment to customers is enough.
In addition to people’s business loans, bri also serves complaints when your ATM is lost. This card is very important in taking cash immediately. That’s it, when it’s lost, many people can abuse it. The blogging facility can be done only in the office in the CS section.
However, since there is a BRI call centre, customers don’t have to wait for tomorrow. Call it right away and the blocking facility can be done automatically. You don’t have to worry that the card was invented and misused by others because everything has been blocked.
This facility is one of the flagships that has continued to be developed by this Red Plate company. One of them is the setting up of information services in different cities. Therefore, it does not focus solely on the central number above and there is nothing wrong in contacting them at each branch office.
BRI call center in every city
The largest bank in Indonesia understands correctly when its customers are increasing day by day. It’s really very difficult to serve the whole thing. If it focuses only on the head office. This is the reason why they are opening their services in various big cities, especially on the island of Java. Here are some numbers you can record.
- Tangerang and surrounding areas (021) 55782520
- Surabaya and surrounding areas (031) (5324230
- Separate and surrounding areas (0271) 732983
- Malang and surrounding areas (0341) 474949
- Yogakarta and surrounding areas (0274) 510850, (0274) 520268
- Attack and Surroundings (0254) 200233
- Bandung and surrounding areas (022) 4200356
- Semerang and surrounding areas (024) 8440728
- Jakarta and its surrounding areas (021) 2510244,(021) 2510254
You can use BRI call centres from different cities if you want to ask questions or suggestions. That’s it, it can’t be careless. This is because it only serves office hours from 8 am to 3 pm on weekdays.
Before taking advantage of the facility. You need to pay attention to the main needs first. Pre-registration or registration is mandatory. This method is not very difficult and makes it easier for the registration bank to carry out the verification and management process. You can choose how to register through an office or ATM machine.
How to sign up for the BRI call centre
If you come to the office, visit the CS section. If you want to sign up for a call center, you name it. Usually, you will be given a form and must be filled out. Filling out all the data requested to comply with the instructions. The service will be active when completed.
However, if you choose to do it in an ATM machine, the trick is to first insert the card into the machine. The second step is to write down the PIN number, press the other transactions, and then register. Next, press the call log menu. You can use the service once this process is completed.
There are two ways each time you make a call, which is to direct you directly through computer services. First of all, listen to complaints in general. Generally it’s all about one of the savings plans and guides every customer through their computer screen. Or like a connecting bridge.
Therefore, after receiving a complaint, you will be sent to the nearest BRI customer service. The CSR method can make it easier for you to ask questions so that customers can ask questions directly. The given answer is very fast, so don’t be afraid if it is not handled properly.
These facilities and services are actually very profitable for every customer. Because they don’t just have to come by phone, all affairs and issues can be handled. Interestingly, many BRI call center officials will offer warm greetings and friendly service.